Video and Photography Consent
If you are commissioning photography or video recordings or taking your own photographs of individuals for University use then you need to have the individual’s permission. This does not apply when recording student assessment.
Photographs and film/video images of people are considered to be personal data and are covered by data protection legislation (General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)). It is therefore important to keep a written record of consents taken when commissioning images or recordings.
When using images or recordings of people, where any individuals feature prominently and are clearly identifiable, a consent form must be signed by those individuals giving their permission for any images in which they appear. The consent form should be stored alongside the images for as long as the image/recording is retained.
The consent form must state clearly what the use of the image(s) will be.
Individuals should be made aware that any images used on websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom and that some overseas countries may not provide the same level of protection to the rights of individuals as the EU/UK legislation provides.
Images of children and young people under the age of 18 require the consent of a parent or guardian and special care should be taken to ensure that the consent form is fully understood. Children and young people between 12 and 18 years of age, who have a sufficient understanding of the consent process and its implications for them should be involved in completing the form and their consent should be sought. The child/young person may also sign the form. There is a separate consent form for children and young people under the age of 18 (consent form available here).
Further advice is available on the NSPCC website.
A consent form is not necessary when there is a large group of individuals e.g. at a conference or an event. It is usually sufficient to notify those in attendance that photography or filming will be taking place either verbally or with a notice clearly visible, and those who do not wish to be in a photograph or recording can opt out.
A consent form is not necessary where there is a large group of people with no one standing out in a place where photography is expected e.g. spectators at a sporting event.
A consent form is not necessary where there is a large group of people who could not be clearly identified.
Further guidance is available for staff in our Guidance for images (photographic and video) for publicity purposes
For further information about publicity images including stock images please contact the Communications and External Affairs Department
If you have reviewed the guidance on this webpage and Guidance for images document linked above, and have further queries, please contact the Information Governance Officer